Sunday, February 21, 2010

Money, Crime, & Justice

Have you ever realized that when a famous person gets murdered they seem to catch the killer within a month? When an average person gets murdered, you're lucky to hear about it for catching the person how many times do you actual find out? How about for abductions and kidnappings? How often do you hear about them finding the person's body and even less so the person who did it? How often do you think we would hear about it if Donald Trump went missing? We tell ourselves the world isn't about money, and it's not important. But it is. Money is even involved in how much and how many people care about you. When is the last time you heard about a homeless person disappearing or getting murdered? Can you remember or have you even heard about one? It's not that homeless person don't get murdered or go missing. It's simply no one bothers to go looking, and no one cares to read about it in the newspaper. Think about that. Let it sink into your mind. No one cares because they don't have money. They're not good news. Do you know how many homeless go missing or get murdered? FACT: You don't hear about the serial killer until (A) they're caught or close to it or (B) they kill someone that matters. One powerful message of the show "Criminal Minds" is you start to care. You get shown what happens to these people...people like you and me that NO ONE cares about. No one bats an eye at. They die and disappear and let's face it being homeless is America's most dangerous job. And someone has to drive a car through the Canadian toll booth for anyone to listen about them being killed. I bet if there were a way to calculate the number of homeless murdered in the US every year the number would be in the thousands at least. Thousands of people no one cares about. Once again we separate them from us as if we're a higher species. "They're all drug addicts and prostitutes. They deserve it." Does anyone deserve to be raped and sliced to bits with a knife? Everyone who is homeless isn't necessarily a drug addict or prostitute anyway. And for a lot of them the street itself makes them that way. I doubt there is a person on earth if given the choice would get addicted to drugs, live on the streets, or sell their body for someone else's pleasure IF they had ANY other option or felt like there was one. Hopeless people do hopeless things.

It's sad when you think about it. Even murder comes down to money. Not just who gets in the newspaper but whether it gets solved. You think the person who kills homeless people ends up in jail? Try again. If you're a killer and don't want to get caught- kill the homeless for your whole life and you die a free spirit just like the rest of us. Just like you and me. JUST LIKE THE AVERAGE PERSON. The homeless are a "separate species," but apparently we don't care that the killer is not. As for the famous and why their case gets solved so fast...the world is watching and there's all the money in the world to throw at every angle to get it solved. Face it anaylzing evidence takes money...sorry to bring it to you...but if you're not important enough, tough love. Your family is the one that then has to fork the cash to get minuscule evidence examed or prioritized. Recent cases come first, and the more famous or more wealth involved...the higher your case goes to the top. It's sad in a country that JUSTICE is supposed to be a PRIORITY, money defines whether it is one.

The next time you see a homeless person, think about this... that person could die tonight and no one will even blink an eye.